Retirement planning checklist
Retirement is one of the key milestones in life and as it approaches there is a lot to consider. From where you will get your income to when to take the plunge; it can seem overwhelming. One thing is clear, it’s important to plan ahead so you can decide what you want your retirement to look like and find out how you can make it happen.
To help you get prepared we’ve put together a handy list of things to think about. Simply download our retirement checklist, print it out and tick each box once you’ve considered the point.

Get a guaranteed income for life
One of the options available to you is to use your pension pot to purchase an annuity that will provide you with a guaranteed income for the rest of your life. At Annuity Ready we can help you compare pension lifetime annuity rates from all providers in the open market to see how much annuity income you could receive.
Find out more
If you would like more information on the different types of annuities or the other options available take a look at our annuities explained page where you’ll find detailed information on how annuity rates are calculated, why purchasing an annuity could be right for you, the differences between annuities and drawdown and much more.